Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Nerium it for real??

Everybody wants to know about the Lexus Bonus.  Is it for real??  Does anyone ever REALLY get one?  YES!!

This is not like most direct sales companies that dangle a luxury car carrot out there for you but never expect you to earn it.  We have people earning their cars in 60 days or less!  At last count over 4,000 Brand Partners had earned their Lexus Car Bonus!  And that is in less than 2 years of business...that is INCREDIBLE.

The photo above is of my director's house on the day of a team meeting.  All of the Lexus' wouldn't even fit in the picture!  She has 9 Lexus' on her team in her little town of Hutchinson, KS.  This is completely achievable!!

To earn your Lexus really all you have to do is Get 3 people to join your team and then help each of them get 3 people on their own team.  That is it!

Watch Nerium International's Facebook page.  You will see photos of Brand Partners as they go to get their new Lexus. 

Want to earn your own Lexus (and a nice paycheck to boot?)  Call me at 334.655.4349 or visit

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Nerium is Hollywood's best kept secret!

Some people may be asking themselves..if NeriumAD were so great, wouldn't all the celebrities be using it??

Well...they are!  Remember, Nerium is still a NEW company but we have already found our way onto the Red Carpet and onto the faces of Hollywood Elite.

Several celebrities have even openly spoken about using NeriumAD and brag about it being their fountain of youth!  See the video below!


To order your NeriumAD today, visit or call me at (334) 655-4349!